A YouTuber Who Has No Idea What 'The Matrix' Is About, And More Of This Week's 'One Main Character'

A YouTuber Who Has No Idea What 'The Matrix' Is About, And More Of This Week's 'One Main Character'
Gwen Stefani thinks she's Japanese, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene got a cease and desist, one of the Paul brothers was back at it again and more.
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Every day somebody says or does something that earns them the scorn of the internet. Here at Digg, as part of our mission to curate what the internet is talking about right now, we rounded up the main characters on Twitter from this past week and held them accountable for their actions.

This week’s characters include usual suspects like Logan Paul and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Gwen Stefani being Gwen Stefani.

There were few others who we couldn't get to, but still think are worth checking out. Like this CEO who wants to pay someone with a Supreme Court case to wear AirPods and let a robot argue for them, or M&M's, who are finally releasing an all-girl package(???)


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

The character: Rep. MTG, politician who needs a legal intern

The plot: Either Rep. Greene is some kind of 4D chess mastermind (highly doubt it) where she knew she'd get caught using at Dr. Dre tune without permission, or she needs someone on her team that'll explain to her what legal copyright and getting music clearances mean.

Greene tweeted a now-removed video, saying "It’s time to begin.. and they can’t stop what’s coming," and was soundtracked by the melody of Dr. Dre's track "Still D.R.E."

The clip was eventually removed, but, as you can see, the tweet's still up.

The repercussion: The whole saga produced a few headlines, but nothing more. Just another day in MTG-ville.

Adwait Patil


Logan Paul

The character: Logan Paul, internet personality, wrestler, idiot

The plot: Earlier this week, accusations that controversial YouTuber Logan Paul had abandoned a pig he’d bought thinking it was a mini breed arose on Twitter. User Def Noodles posted a photo of Paul and Pearl the pig, alongside a screenshot of a video from a rescue sanctuary that said it had found Pearl in a bad way.

In response, Paul tweeted a thread claiming that he had rehomed Pearl at a ranch before moving away, and that she had been given to a different farmer without his knowledge.

But by the time he’d tweeted his defense, Paul had already received widespread condemnation across Twitter and elsewhere on the web. This brings us to one of the week’s worst Main Character moments: Paul seemingly likening the criticism he received for allegedly abandoning an animal to being “targeted” by the matrix.

In referring to “the matrix,” Paul joins violent misogynist Andrew Tate — who has just been arrested as part of a human trafficking investigation — in suggesting that powerful members of politics, media and large organizations are unfairly targeting controversial “truth-speakers.”

The repercussion: Some people tried to remind Paul that being held accountable for your actions is not persecution, and others just made fun of him.

Darcy Jimenez


Gwen Stefani

The character: Gwen Stefani, pop star, fashion icon, white woman

The plot: Oh Gwen, why. Why would you do this. Why. Why! Simply do not give this interview, don’t say anything, and just apologize for whatever you did in the past! We want to forgive you, but after this………………no, sorry. You cannot say stuff like this! You can’t do it, Gwen. We want to go back to loving you, but you keep doing and saying problematic things! Wealthy famous people are on a different planet.

Exactly the backlash you would expect from her saying she is Japanese is what happened, and rightfully so.

The repercussion: Did no one learn any lessons from Rachel Dolezal? Or the movie “Cloud Atlas”?

Jared Russo


Read the previous edition of our One Main Character column, which included a novelist disgusted that movies aren't real and more.

Did we miss a main character from this week? Please send tips to [email protected].


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