The Global Elite's Income Share Over The Past Two Centuries, Visualized

The Global Elite's Income Share Over The Past Two Centuries, Visualized
A nifty snapshot of the past 200 years shows which decades the world's one-percenters, across different nations, accumulated the bulk of their wealth.
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Ruben Berge Mathisen, a political scientist, is known for his visualizations of global financial inequalities. In his most recent set of graphs, Mathisen charted what different one-percenters around the world have been making since the 19th century.

Mathisen's data was recent as of May 2021 and collected from the World Inequality Database. Over the last two centuries, among nations like the US, UK, Canada, Brazil, Germany, India, Japan, South Africa, Russia, France, Sweden and China, the peak of income share going to a nation's one percent reached as high as 24 percent (Russia) and dropped to a low of nine percent (France).

Click to enlarge image

income share going to 1 %

income share going to 1 %

Via Ruben Berge Mathisen


  1. Ryan Meuse 9 months ago

    1980 you say? Hmm…Reagan said “not enough money goes to already-wealthy. I need to change that!”

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