Do The Rich Work More Hours Than The Poor?

Do The Rich Work More Hours Than The Poor?
A series of charts from Ruben Mathisen, a researcher of economic and political inequality, suggest that the rich and the poor work a very similar set of hours for their wages.
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When people talk about wealth inequality, one myth that gets perpetuated is that people who are rich are so because they work harder or longer. The question of who works harder is more qualitative and tough to judge, but is it true that wealthy people work longer hours than people who aren't wealthy?

Ruben Mathisen, a PhD candidate in comparative politics at the University of Bergen in Norway, studies economic inequality and creates data visualizations on Twitter. He recently shared a series of charts to compare the working hours of the rich and the poor in different countries, and found that they actually work similar hours.

Mathisen's charts plot the average working hours of different income percentiles, and they're similar both in the US and in different countries around the world. Take a look.

Click to enlarge images.

Working Hours Around The World

Charts showing the similarity of the working hours of the rich and the poor in different countries around the world

Working Hours In The US

A chart showing the similarity of working hours of the rich and the poor in the US

From Ruben Mathisen via Twitter

Photo from Moose Photos via Pexels


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