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Celebrating Gender Diversity, And This Week's Other Best Memes, Ranked

Celebrating Gender Diversity, And This Week's Other Best Memes, Ranked
Getting a crash course in gender theory from Twitter philosophers is simultaneously the best and worst idea you can have.
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Here at Digg, we try our best to cover the most important and confounding memes that come across the timeline. But the web is littered with tons of great memes that never quite hit the mainstream and instead just bounce around the weird corners of Twitter or Reddit. Enter our recurring feature, Memes, Ranked.

This week, a furniture company makes a case for getting a proper home work station, the revolution in the sea and a crash course in gender theory.

3. What remote workers will look like by 2100

The meme

The back-to-office crowd struck again, and this time they didn't send their best. A graphic depiction of a remote worker was shared by the UK's Daily Mail, in which they said that one the worker would get "swollen eyes, a hunchback and claw-like hands." Sounds kind of cool?

Anyway, the Daily Mail misconstrued the research, which was about people not having a proper workplace at home β€” and not about remote work. Either way, we've been here before. Until offices get filled we're going to continue to get stuff like this thrown at us. I'm sorry for all the graphics artists who're forced to make these.


Adwait Patil

2. Orcas vs yachts

The meme

We keep messing with mother nature, and she keeps fighting back. After going overboard (pun intended) with fishing, whaling and flooding our oceans with boats, the sea creatures have begun to express their feelings towards humanity's actions. And they are not pleased.

Orcas have kept attacking yachts and other vessels, and we totally understand why. In fact, we are on team orca. Attack all the boats! (Don't hurt anyone though). But the best thing to come out of this news story is of course, as always, the memes. The collection of jokes have been so stellar we've seen really funny merch made about team orca.


Jared Russo

1. There are more than two genders

The meme

Back in February, an app for terror alarms tweeted out a graphic and captioned it by saying there are more than two genders. The origins of this artwork are murky, and a few surface level searches tell us that this is AI-generated, which tracks because the OP account also says that it is "AI-generated."

While gender binary doesn't really exist, and is a far more nuanced topic, this particular statement and its depiction, using customary blue and pink colors to define this concept, elicited many, many jokes.


Jared Russo

And if you're hungry for more memes, here's the last edition of "The Week's Best Memes," where we ranked historic battles that have humored us over the years, an ode to tattoos, a birthday celebration for Grimace and a bit from Tim Robinson's latest season of "I Think You Should Leave."


  1. K J 10 months ago

    Scientifically speaking, gender actually is, for all intents and purposes, binary. There are not more than two genders. Biologically speaking (science), gender is so tightly coupled with biological sex that gender and sex can be used interchangeably in almost all situations. Gender is not a social construct, gender identity is.

    1. Mike Mike 10 months ago definition: the male sex or the female sex, especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones, or one of a range of other identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female. yay for being so confident while still wrong.

    2. Joe Publique 10 months ago

      Thanks for explaining and clearing everything up. I guess we can all put the debate to bed now you've shared your opinion. Which institution did you get your doctorate in Biology from?

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