Microsoft Buying Activision, Four Free COVID Tests And This Week's Other Best Memes, Ranked
Here at Digg, we try our best to cover the most important and confounding memes that come across the timeline. But the web is littered with tons of great memes that never quite hit the mainstream and instead just bounce around the weird corners of Twitter or Reddit.
Enter our recurring feature, Memes, Ranked. This week, we've got Microsoft buying Activision, Cassie hiding in the bathtub in "Euphoria" and four free COVID tests.
3. Microsoft Buying Activision
The meme
Tech giant Microsoft agreed to purchase troubled gaming company Activision Blizzard for roughly $70 billion this week. Activision makes cult video games, but in the recent past has had a reckoning with their toxic and problematic work environment. This is Microsoft, and the gaming world's biggest deal, so the community naturally had outspoken reactions.
Adwait Patil
2. Cassie Hiding In The Bathtub In 'Euphoria'
The meme
I've seen the first season of "Euphoria," but you really don't need much context to understand the meme that began circulating after the season 2 premiere aired on January 9. The character in the image is Cassie, a teen at what's known to viewers as "Euphoria High" (definitely not the school's real name, but in the absence of an actual name, it works), and she's lying in the bathtub of a bathroom in which she had been hooking up with another teen, Nate, when Maddie — Nate's ex-girlfriend and Cassie's current best friend — barges in. Terrified at the prospect of being caught and incurring Maddie's wrath, Cassie climbs in the tub to hide. The image became instant meme fodder.
Molly Bradley
1. Four Free COVID Tests
The meme
On Tuesday, it was announced that every household in America would be eligible to order four free antigen COVID tests vis-à-vis the United States Post Office.
The internet had a mixed reaction to the news, with some folks elated to be getting anything and others questioning whether this was a sufficient response to the current outbreak.
Netizens proceeded to poke fun at the government with a series of humorous tweets and memes.
James Crugnale
And if you're hungry for more memes, here's last week's "The Week's Best Memes, Ranked" article, where we rank Wordlemania, the Seinfeld scene where Jerry asks Kramer "What's going on in there?" and the gap in your resume.