Wordlemania, 'What's Going On In There?' And This Week's Other Best Memes, Ranked
Here at Digg, we try our best to cover the most important and confounding memes that come across the timeline. But the web is littered with tons of great memes that never quite hit the mainstream and instead just bounce around the weird corners of Twitter or Reddit.
Enter our recurring feature, Memes, Ranked. This week, we've got Wordlemania, the Seinfeld scene where Jerry asks Kramer "What's going on in there?" and the gap in your resume.
3. The Gap In Your Resume
The meme
It's an age-old question — at least in the context of job interviews: "Can you explain this gap on your resume?" But we, as a society — and, okay, specifically as millennials who have not had the luxury of the same kind of job stability and benefits that prior generations have had, and so have often been forced to hop from internship to temp job to entry-level role over the years — have tired of this question. We are tired of explaining gaps on our resumes, and, frankly, they're nobody's business. That's where this meme comes in.
Molly Bradley
2. 'What's Going On In There?'
The meme
A scene from an episode of "Seinfeld" called "The Chicken Roaster" has captured the internet's imagination this week. In a series of screenshots, Jerry notices a red light beaming from his next door neighbor Kramer's peep hole. "What's going on in there?!" he exclaims. Kramer explains that the Kenny Rogers Roasters sign from across the street has ensconced his entire apartment in a red glow.
According to Know Your Meme, a Halo fan first remixed the images in a reference to the video game back in September.
Then in October, a Dune fan had their own fun with the meme.
The meme finally hit a fever pitch this month as hundreds of netizens began riffing on the scene with their own favorite pop culture offerings.
James Crugnale
1. Wordlemania
The meme
A computer programmer made a fun web-based hangman-esque word game for himself and his partner. It caught on very quickly and, like clockwork, the world was divided into fanatics, haters, critics and innocent bystanders who were busy trying to decipher what the barrage of tweets with yellow, green and gray square emojis meant. I'll admit, it took me a day or two to figure out it was a game and not another Discord cult. Amid the chaos, someone tried to rip it off and got panned for it, but we also got some good tweets.
Adwait Patil
And if you're hungry for more memes, here's last week's "The Week's Best Memes, Ranked" article, where we rank the COVID variant that flopped, Matt Damon bullying us about crypto, a cursed reconstruction of Julius Caesar and stuff the CDC said.