Sleeping Through A Michelin Reservation Without Remorse, And More Of This Week's 'One Main Character'

Sleeping Through A Michelin Reservation Without Remorse, And More Of This Week's 'One Main Character'
This week we've got a Tesla-loving professor who doesn't like public transport, a netizen who tried to rebrand poverty, what not to do when you miss a Michelin reservation and cool points for Cracker Barrel.
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Every day somebody says or does something that earns them the scorn of the internet. Here at Digg, as part of our mission to curate what the internet is talking about right now, we rounded up the main characters on Twitter from this past week and held them accountable for their actions.

This week's characters include an unintentionally funny line about Cracker Barrel that might become a motion picture, a professor who loves Teslas because he needs to transport multiple mattresses in one go and a couple of characters who should stay away from personal finance and the dating scene.


Texas Family Project

The character: Texas Family Project, conservative non-profit, heist movie title generator

"We take no pleasure in reporting that @CrackerBarrel has fallen," said the Texas Family Project, a staunchly conservative organization. The organization's hateful stance against pride and a culture of inclusivity is putrid, but at least they made us laugh with their creativity.

Cracker Barrel probably just lost a total of three customers.

The repercussion: It goes without saying that if you're taking an anti-pride stance, then you need to ask yourself why others shouldn't call you a bigot. The Texas Project thought they were being classy with an exposé, but they've now added an exceptional adlib to the discourse. Pray your favorite chain never falls.

Adwait Patil


Wolf Bein

The character: Wolf Bein, Professor of Computer Science at UNLV, proud Tesla driver, public transportation hater

The plot: Have you ever had to buy two new mattresses before? I haven't, personally, but I would imagine one could do that online and with free shipping. If you want to go out and mattress shop in person, however, then by all means go for it.

Oh hey, what's that… do we sense a tweet about public transportation being ratio'd extremely hard?

Take that, public transportation! You're not worth investing in because I can drive my two Pixar-looking electric cars hundreds of miles between stores in a day!

The repercussion: This tweet by Professor Bein took everyone on a nonsensical journey, with an extremely hilarious photo to boot. The replies were a little more kind than we were expecting; usually people dunking on Tesla owners is way more harsh. Especially for the owner of a paid blue check mark.

Jared Russo



The character: @queend236, workers' rights fighter, bad finance guru

The plot: On the topic of poverty, @queend236 tweeted that there were "levels to poverty," and that calling someone making $250,000 (presumably per year?) also poor was fine because one could hypothetically lose a job or not be able to take breaks from working. Valid points, but defending workers who are among the top earners in the country isn't a strong case to be made when there are other glaring deficiencies in the system.

People had to unpack where this was coming from — especially since OP included details about debts and working multiple gigs, and tried to paint a more layered experience — but the premise itself was shaky to begin with.

The repercussion: Financial takes means the vultures come out to play. Anything to do with numbers, dollars and America is catnip. People were quick to point out that someone earning $250,000 would put them in the 97th percentile in America, and poor financial planning or not, that's not at all a universal experience when it comes to personal finances for majority of this country.

Adwait Patil



The character: @bossbratbimbo, restaurant reservation-misser, rude person

The plot: Over the weekend, Twitter user @bossbratbimbo shared screenshots from a conversation she had with someone she was meant to go on a date with. The other person says the restaurant reservation @bossbratbimbo had slept through cost $70 to cancel, our main character proceeds to be unfathomably rude to the person whose time and money she had — intentionally or not — wasted.

Along with the screenshots, she also tweeted that she has "no regrets bc I avoided a man who behaves like this." How is he in the wrong, exactly?

The repercussion: People mostly expressed disbelief at her response to a guy who had every right to be annoyed — and yet who hadn't been rude to her at all.

Darcy Jimenez


Read the previous edition of our One Main Character column, which included a billionaire sports team owner, a person who should be banned from food delivery apps, a basketball player who wants to know if it's okay to drink human milk and an AI artist who's helping great artists from the past reinvent their canvas.

Did we miss a main character from this week? Please send tips to [email protected].


  1. John Doe 11 months ago

    That guy should send that chat screengrab to the restaurant. They would probably credit him back the $70 and offer a guaranteed table for his next date. As a former restaurant FOH manager, we were always very understanding of men or women treated poorly by their date.

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