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A Cyclist With No Regard For His Cat's Safety, And More Of This Week's 'One Main Character'

A Cyclist With No Regard For His Cat's Safety, And More Of This Week's 'One Main Character'
Quora remains undefeated when it comes to hypothetical situations.
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Every day, somebody says or does something that earns them the scorn of the internet. Here at Digg, as part of our mission to curate what the internet is talking about right now, we rounded up the main characters on Twitter from this past week and held them accountable for their actions.

This week, we've got a skydiving baby dilemma, a guy who bikes his cat around without much regard for safety and a new Amazon office that used to be a prison.


Anonymous Quora Poster

The character: The alleged Christian who posted on Quora

The plot: This question was asked earlier in the year, but only took off as a meme this week. A troll, or a real genuine religious person, wanted to incite a religious war with atheists. Or make a very sick, cruel joke. We can’t tell what the motives were, but we can laugh at the results.

The repercussion: The question is real, but it's true intentions will never be known. Some tried to answer it in earnest, while others simply didn't care.

Jared Russo



The character: Travis/@sigirides, cyclist and cat owner

The plot: Travis is a cyclist and X user who shares photos and videos of himself riding around town with his cat Sigrid in tow. This week, he shared the below clip of a moped knocking into him at a green traffic light, sending him and his poor cat to the ground.

The repercussion: While the moped driver might be in the wrong for knocking into the pair (although even that appears to be up for debate, judging by the replies), many people took issue with Travis's cycling, his lack of a helmet and, above all, his decision put his cat at risk by taking it out on the roads.

Darcy Jimenez


The Amazon Web Services Office In Haarlem, Netherlands

The character: AWS and its office, a literal former prison designed as a panopticon

The plot: X user @cullend shared TikToker Laura's video online, which showed a new-ish AWS office in Haarlem, Netherlands, which was proudly advertised as being a former prison.

The repercussion: Working for a notorious mega corporation that doesn't treat its workers fairly, and now makes some of them sit in a panopticon designed prison? Not a lot of AWS or panopticon supporters in the chats.

Adwait Patil

Read the previous edition of our One Main Character column, which featured a disappointed Tesla owner who should've seen it coming, another unhinged rant by Azealia Banks and Garnett's controversial new Swiftie reporter.

[Image credit: YouTube]


  1. John Doe 5 months ago

    What if the skydiving baby was Hitler?

  2. Carol Culhane 5 months ago

    Imagine if you will a world where you cannot afford a car, transit does not go where you need it to, bicycle infrastructure is so lacking that you have no choice but to ride in traffic, and you have to get your kid to daycare before work, so you do that by bicycle. Then some judgemental twatwaffle judges you for doing the best you can and thinks you have a deathwish for your progency. All to look cool.

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