This Reddit Thread About Things It Took People An Embarrassingly Long Time To Realize Might Make You Realize A Few Things
Have you ever had a eureka moment about something you should've known years ago?
Sometimes it can be unsettling to suddenly realize a basic science fact well into adulthood, or even a simple pop song lyric that you've misheard since you were a kid (you mean it's not 'don't go Jason Waterfalls?')
Redditor u/StuckBugg asked the r/AskReddit community about something it took them "an embarrassing amount of time to figure out," and netizens enthusiastically offered revelations that shook them to their core.
Here are a few of our favorite answers from the viral thread.
Flo Rida Is From Florida
Jim Dear And Darling Aren't The Humans' Actual Names In 'Lady And The Tramp'
In lady and the tramp the humans are called Jim dear and darling. I was in my 30s before I realized that wasn't their actual names, it was what lady heard them calling each other. —spacepunk17
Chickens Don't Need Roosters To Lay Eggs
Breakfast Means Breaking The Fast
Teletubbies Were Called That Because They Had TVs In Their Bellies
The Saying Is 'For All Intents And Purposes'
Montana Literally Means Mountains In Spanish
Ponies Aren't Baby Horses
Cows Don't Naturally Produce Milk
Rocky Wasn't A Real Person
Feat. Means Featuring
Paul Bearer Isn't The Undertaker's Manager's Real Name
Coffee Grounds Go Under The Plunger In A French Press
[Read more about things people learned way too late at r/AskReddit]