This Reddit Thread Reveals The Things Parents Were Most Surprised About When Having Kids
It seems like no matter how much people prepare for parenthood (reading baby books, talking to other parents, etc), there are things that still manage to surprise them after the fact.
Redditor sneakyturtles7 asked the parents of r/AskReddit about the things they felt like they weren't warned about enough when they decided to have kids, and they were met with a wealth of replies.
We've rounded up some of the most memorable responses that you might want to know if you're considering having children.
You Will Never Sleep The Same
It's Something That Can't Be Undone
You're Stuck With The Person You Had Kids With, Even If You Get Divorced
Being A Parent Can Be Lonely
You Realize How Judgmental Other People Can Be
You Stop Having A Private Life
'Having Kids Is Like Having Parents'
Parenting Is Unrelenting
Everything Takes Much Longer Than You Expected
The Days Are Long But The Years Are Short
It's Hard To Balance Telling Them Things And Getting Them To Be Independent
Practicing Changing Diapers On A Doll Is A Crock
They Might Not Turn Out Like You Think
Bonding Is Critical
Your Fear For Their Wellbeing Is All-Consuming
Parenthood Doesn't End When Your Kids Turn 18
[Read more at r/AskReddit]