This Week's Best Memes, Ranked
Here at Digg, we try our best to cover the most important and confounding memes that come across the timeline. But the web is littered with tons of great memes that never quite hit the mainstream, instead bouncing around the weird corners of Twitter or Reddit. Enter: our recurring feature, Memes, Ranked, where we not only rank the funniest memes each week, we also keep a running top 10 of the best memes of 2019. Skip to that here.
For the week of August 26, we have a handful of contenders: bedbugs, Bret Stephens, Minecraft Bees and SpongeBob heading out.
3. Minecraft Bees
The meme: Minecraft Bee memes have swarmed in popularity on Reddit in the last week, mainly because bees are completely new to Minecraft as of this month. And since bees are already famous internet punchlines, the memes about their arrival to the super popular game have generated a lot of buzz.
Most of the jokes revolve around the idea that the Minecraft community has never asked for bees to be added into the game. And yet, Mojave, the game's developer, added bees anyway.
The examples:
Verdict: Popular among gamers and bee enthusiasts, Minecraft Bee memes are fun. Unfortunately, the internet is made up of more than just Minecrafters and beekeepers. Third place in a sneakily good week for memes.
2. SpongeBob Heading Out
The meme: This one is really fresh. This week, a new SpongeBob image macro has risen to popularity on Twitter, Instagram and Reddit. And though KnowYourMeme reports that this type of post is over one year old and this exact frame has been online since at least July 2019, it has only recently seen widespread use.
The use in question? Indicating when it's time to leave, of course. The frame featured in the meme is of SpongeBob sort of awkwardly getting up from his chair with a glazed look in his eye. Sometimes — when a situation gets dicey or when the time has simply come — you have to tell your friends "Imma head out." During those times, you use this meme.
The examples:
Verdict: SpongeBob memes always have a special element of relatability, and this one is no different. It's a little fresh to rank any better than second in this week's roundup, but a strong meme nonetheless. Look out for it in the future.
1. Bret Stephens Is A Bedbug
The meme: We rounded up this meme earlier this week, but the gist is thus: there were bedbugs in the New York Times building this week. One person tweeted that "The bedbugs are a metaphor. The bedbugs are Bret Stephens." That single tweet really bothered Stephens, a columnist who has extremely thin skin, despite frequently advocating for "freedom of speech."
Anyway, we already hit you with some memes about Bret Stephens being a bedbug and also inviting his new Twitter adversary into his home to look his wife and children in the eye and say he's a bedbug to his face. But here are some more anyway.
The examples:
Verdict: The meme of the week, for sure. It's a dunk on a famous internet doofus and a wife-guy meme all at once? What more could we really ask for?
The Official Josco™ 2019 Meme Power Ranking
Click each entry on the ranking to see when it debuted.
2. The Girl Drinking Kombucha Reaction GIF
3. Bret Stephens Is A Bed Bug
7. "I Think You Should Leave" Memes
8. Fish Tube
9. SpongeBob Heading Out
10. Minecraft Bees
We meme'd so hard that Popeyes actually ran out of sandwiches. Truly unbelievable. Amazing. Great work everyone!
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