Should I Spend $88,000 On This Purse, And This Week's Other Best Memes, Ranked
Here at Digg, we try our best to cover the most important and confounding memes that come across the timeline. But the web is littered with tons of great memes that never quite hit the mainstream and instead just bounce around the weird corners of Twitter or Reddit.
Enter our recurring feature, Memes, Ranked. This week, we've got celebs on celebs, "Mank," "Should I spend $88,000 on this purse?" and AirPods Max.
4. Celebs On Celebs
The meme
Elf on the Shelf has long been a sort of real-life Christmas meme, aka a tradition. Every now and then, people try to update it with some other iteration, pairing two rhyming words together — Ghoul on a Stool, Troll on a Bowl, etc. People have also long made versions with celebrities, photoshopping pictures to match.
But this year, celebrities themselves got in on the fun, tagging their (celebrity) friends and creating a chain of riffs on the original tradition.
Honestly, after the "Imagine" debacle of early this year, we're just relieved that the celebs are keeping themselves busy with something wholesome. Keep it up, folks.
Molly Bradley
3. 'Mank'
The meme
Last Friday, December 4, the new movie "Mank" was released on Netflix. It's a biopic about the screenwriter Herman J. Mankiewicz, played by Gary Oldman, and the making of his famous film "Citizen Kane."
As someone who has seen neither "Citizen Kane" (yet!) nor "Mank" (yet!) but liberally references "Rosebud" as though I have, I think I actually am the right person to round up the memes about "Mank" that littered Twitter last week. For the most part, the jokes preempted the release of the much-anticipated and acclaimed film by riffing on the decidedly silly-sounding name of the movie and what it might possibly mean. (That the trailer of the film features a quick supercut of a bunch of different characters saying "Mank!" "Mank?" in different tones of voice did little to quell these memes.)
In short, it's a delightfully silly meme for the people who are wont to lean over to their neighbor within the first five minutes of the film and whisper, "OK, so which one's Mank?"
Molly Bradley
2. Should I Spend $88K On This Purse?
The meme
On Sunday, Cardi B posed a question to her Twitter followers asking whether she should spend $88,000 on a purse.
The tweet sparked an immediate outcry, with some people accusing her of spending money frivolously on herself as millions of Americans are struggling to make ends meet during the pandemic. After the backlash, she later matched donations for numerous charities.
Others had more fun with the rapper's dilemma and tweeted random objects with versions of the caption, "Should I spend 88k on this purse?"
Spoiler alert: Cardi B later bought the purse.
James Crugnale
1. AirPods Max
The meme
Earlier this week, Apple announced that they have just one more thing for us: the AirPods Max, noise-cancelling, over-the-ear headphones that costs a whopping $549. The internet, of course, immediately started poking fun at their exorbitant price, as well as mocking the odd design of the accompanying carrying case.
We rounded up some of the funniest AirPods Max memes shortly after the announcement, but here are a few good ones that we missed.
Pang-Chieh Ho
And if you're hungry for more memes, here's last week's "The Week's Best Memes, Ranked" article, where we rank Spotify Wrapped, look who decided to come out of their room, I am going to create an environment that is so toxic, they don't know I... and thank you for changing my life.