Kim Kardashian's 40th Birthday Party On A Private Island, And This Week's Other Best Memes, Ranked
Here at Digg, we try our best to cover the most important and confounding memes that come across the timeline. But the web is littered with tons of great memes that never quite hit the mainstream and instead just bounce around the weird corners of Twitter or Reddit.
Enter our recurring feature, Memes, Ranked. This week, we've got "I find it odd, if not curious," the moon is wet, pandemic depression colliding with seasonal depression and Kim Kardashian's 40th birthday bash.
4. The Moon Is Wet
The meme
NASA on Monday announced the groundbreaking discovery of water on the surface of the moon, its presence possibly increasing the feasibility of establishing a human habitat there. The announcement also led to many cheeky and incredibly mature memes about the moon being wet, a trend even news sites like The Washington Post have joined in on.
BJ Pang-Chieh Ho
3. Pandemic Depression Colliding With Seasonal Depression
The meme
Some news: depression's not just for sensitive millennials and poets anymore! Thanks to the pandemic, a lot of people who didn't previously struggle with mood disorders are feeling depressed. And thanks to that, news outlets have discovered that depression is pretty much an ever-more-widely appealing topic to write about. Take the Washington Post, for instance, which thought it was doing a good thing when it tweeted this:
Of course, those with depression then felt obliged to point out that the whole thing about depression is that the very concept of "plans" becomes pretty much impossible. Which is not the only thing wrong with this tweet, but you know what, I'll let the pretty excellent responses take it from here.
But you know, it's not totally hopeless to try and prepare for the sad, cold, dark months ahead. How about a little getaway?
Molly Bradley
2. I Find It Odd, If Not Curious
The meme
Last Friday, blogger and Fox News political commentator Gregg Jarrett, seemingly still adjusting to working from home, posted a conspiratorial tweet suggesting his home internet service had been intentionally disconnected — by whom, it's unclear — to prevent him from publishing a "column that's highly critical of Joe Biden." Namely, he found the coincidence "odd, if not curious," much as I do his tweets.
The "Russia Hoax" author, whose blog still prominently features a post titled, "Does Google have Hillary Clinton's Bleach Bit Emails?" followed up the tweet with two more stating that he was sending said tweets while "standing in the middle of the street."
I find that odd, if not curious — and other people did too.
I am happy to report that we now have a suspect.
Jon-Michael Poff
1. Kim Kardashian's 40th Birthday Bash
The meme
On Tuesday, Kim Kardashian announced to her 67.1 million Twitter followers that she had surprised her close friends and family with a trip to a private island to celebrate her 40th birthday where they could "pretend things were normal just for a brief moment in time."
Kardashian's humblebrag did not go over well online, with critics slamming her for being out of touch, especially as millions of Americans are still struggling amid the economic fallout from the pandemic.
Netizens began mocking the socialite's faux pas by reprinting her tweet word-for-word with hilarious photo captions.
Patton Oswalt was one of the first to make light of Kardashian's tweet.
Others piled on with their own snarky photos riffing on the copypasta.
James Crugnale
And if you're hungry for more memes, here's last week's "The Week's Best Memes, Ranked" article, where we rank Chris Pratt is the worst Chris, does this look like an appropriate father/son interaction to you?, Pope Francis holding things and Jeffrey Toobin's Zoom dick incident.