'I Am Weed,' TimothΓ©e Chalamet As Willy Wonka And This Week's Other Best Memes, Ranked
Here at Digg, we try our best to cover the most important and confounding memes that come across the timeline. But the web is littered with tons of great memes that never quite hit the mainstream and instead just bounce around the weird corners of Twitter or Reddit.
Enter our recurring feature, Memes, Ranked. This week, we've got Hoyeon Jung's taste in music, TimothΓ©e Chalamet as Willy Wonka, red flags, "crying and throwing up" and "I am weed."
5. Hoyeon Jung Reveals In A Recent Interview That…
The meme
There is no escaping "Squid Game." I still haven't watched it, despite it being advertised as an adult "Takeshi's Castle," a late-'80s Japanese game show that predates this genre, which happened to be a show I enjoyed. If and when I do watch, I already have a favorite character, thanks to the memes: "Squid Game" star Hoyeon Jung's taste in music was unearthed in a recent interview, and via a classic copypasta, a meme was thrust upon the world.
Adwait Patil
4. TimothΓ©e Chalamet As Willy Wonka
The meme
Earlier this week, TimothΓ©e Chalamet posted a sneak peek of him as Willy Wonka in an upcoming prequel to the film "Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory."
The photo, which shows Chalamet garbed in a velvet coat and an eye-catching brown top hat (reminiscent of the hat worn by Gene Wilder in his 1971 portrayal of the same character), immediately grabbed the attention of the internet. Some thought Chalamet, who looks like he has just stepped out of a Victorian period film, looked insanely hot. Some thought Chalamet looked like not just any Victorian era character, but one specifically: Gonzo playing Charles Dickens in "A Muppet Christmas Carol." And to be honest, we can't say either side of this divide is wrong.
BJ Pang-Chieh Ho
3. Red Flags
The meme
This week, triangular red flag emojis completely took over Twitter as people started tweeting about various things that they personally feel are harbingers of unreliability, danger or doom.
It was unclear how it first originated but as it quickly flooded into everyone's timeline, soon every social media editor was scrambling to come up with a perfect red flag tweet for their brand. Let's see how everyone did.
James Crugnale
2. 'Crying And Throwing Up'
The meme
We've had the useful phrase "crying and throwing up" (or, sometimes, "shaking and crying and throwing up") in our lexicon for a while now, a verbal meme to signify, to put it succinctly, general shookedness over something or other. In the past week or so, it's been employed on TikTok in a meme that itself has me all but shaking and crying and throwing up: someone will post a video of themselves with a caption describing how upset they are about an injustice that panders to the gender they're attracted to — men bemoaning the wage gap, for example, or women shaking their heads at other women not understanding that "American Psycho" is satire — and then they add what is essentially a plug for themselves as a romantic or sexual prospect. Observe:
So if you want to put yourself out there and make your values known, but also remind people that you would make a great lover and/or partner, maybe this is the meme for you.
Molly Bradley
1. 'I Am Weed'
The meme
This week, whether or not we wanted to, we have all become aware — or even more acutely aware, if we were aware before — of the blossoming relationship between Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly.
It started with a particularly arresting photo of the two, along with Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker, making out in the bathroom at the VMAs last month. Photos and news of their relationship has trickled into the timeline since then, but things escalated this week when GQ profiled the couple and revealed the story of how, per Megan, they met.
Needless to say, Twitter users did a collective spit-take at this exchange — "You smell like weed." "I am weed." — and wasted no time in roasting the couple for it.
Molly Bradley
And if you're hungry for more memes, here's last week's "The Week's Best Memes, Ranked" article, where we rank "couch guy," "Squid Game" memes, "Drake the type of guy" and "Stop giving me your toughest battles."