A Viral Reddit Thread About A Woman Asking If She's A Jerk For Not Taking Her Boyfriend's Side In A Dispute Over A Danny DeVito Cut Out Is Dividing The Internet
On Tuesday, a Reddit thread posted by an anonymous woman to the r/AmITheAsshole subreddit about a dilemma involving her boyfriend, an uncompromising boss and a controversial Danny DeVito cardboard cut out went viral.
The saga all began when her DeVito-loving beau got into a dispute at work over a standee of the actor being in the background of his video calls. His boss asked him to remove the cut out of the "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" star's visage during one of their meetings, so he did. But he later returned it in a subsequent video call, which sparked a ruckus, prompting the boyfriend to tell his boss he had no right to tell him how to decorate his house and wouldn't remove it from his background again.
The original poster said she attempted to reason with her boyfriend but he continued to up the ante by adding additional cardboard cut outs of the actor as well as an oil painting in the background of his calls. She told him that he was valuing the "decoration of a room over the quality of his work." She told the forum that she blew up at him for acting so childish and has considered leaving him over the whole DeVito kerfuffle — which inspired her to crowdsource whether she was acting out of line.
Here's the original text of the post:
My (31F) BF (33M) really likes Danny Devito. We have been together now 6 years and he has always liked him. Even when we first got together he had a cardboard cut out of him he got a few years before we even got together.
It's never ever bothered me until he went homeworking because of covid and honestly it didn't even bothered me it bothered one of his colleagues.
He has a well paid job and is thought of very highly in his work place and has been told by his boss when he retires next year he will be recommemding him for the job. He has been there 12 years and this will really be a huge advancement for him and he deserves it. Now for the strange part. Due to him now homeworking he has been doing a lot more video calls and his bosses boss (J) really does not like the Danny Devito cardboard cut out. He asked him to remove it during a meeting so he did and the meeting carried on. The week after that in another meeting it was back in it's usual spot, after the meeting J asked my husband to hang on and blew up at him over the cardboard cutout being back. He snapped back that he is unable to tell him how to decorate his house, and unless he formally puts it in writing he won't be removing it.
I tried to speak with him calmly that maybe he could just move it but he has had none of it. He even went as far to buy an oil painting of Danny Devito and hang it right behind himself and even got a couple more cardboard cut outs. J at this point has pretty much said although he can't fire him his career here is dead, so he decided to find a new job without consulting me and will be ready to leave his job in January after serving his notice.
I tried again to speak calmly with him and he just blew me off and said he isn't staying somewhere who values the decoration of a room over the quality of his work. At this point I absolutely blew up at him and called him out for how childish he's actually being. Im honestly not sure who he is anymore because of this and I am genuinely thinking of leaving him. We haven't spoken in a couple of days and honestly an argument has never lasted this long. I might be the arsehole because I should of maybe took his side but AITA?
The opinion of the subreddit was very divided, with some Redditors saying everyone seemed to be acting unreasonably, some folks taking the girlfriend's side and other Danny DeVito superfans completely agreeing with the boyfriend.
Here's how it all broke down in the thread:
Everyone Sucks Here
The Girlfriend Is Not The Asshole
The Girlfriend Is The Asshole
The brouhaha later spilled onto Twitter, becoming a trending topic and a whole other faction of people began weighing in on the DeVito cut out controversy.
[Read the original r/AITA thread about the cut out spat here.]